Ratimaatram: A queer love story

That one night, the whole of heaven was earnestly engrossed into some realm of creation.
"What is it that they are creating?" eagerly asked the whole universe.
The divine was busy..., busy creating this being who was to be the equal of all. And they had decided that it was from this one being that life would grow. From the earth, they took fertility, groundedness and stillness. From water and the undines, they absorbed emotions in their purest forms, and all the sacred energies. From air and the sylphs, they took sharpness, and boundless wisdom and passion. From fire, they ingurgitated fearlessness and eternal strength. And from the spirits, they grasped absolute beauty and elysian divinity. Celestial, sublime, otherworldly - these were all qualities this being carried. She was made of the five elements. She was made of storms and tranquility; of supreme calmness and chaos; of endearing love towards all whom she could embrace and yet destructive fury towards all that was dark and evil. Strong being, wild being, unstoppable and ethereal - they thought of it all but couldn't find one name to suit her. And at, they found it. They named her WOMAN.

Make-up and Hairstyle- El Mehsen
Photography - Sanjiven Guruarts
Light Assist- Jenniven
Model- Priyadarshini
Storytelling- Oulashna Jeshna Cooshna
Grateful to @kunal Semboo

